Livability Survey 1 General2 Appliances3 Water4 Space Cooling/Heating/Ventilation5 Bedrooms6 Bathrooms7 Common Living Spaces Occupant GroupOmani familySelect the occupant group that is completing this survey.EcoHouseDhofar (Eco of Dhofar)GUtech (EcoHaus)HCT (GreenNest)Nizwa (Bustan of Oman)SQU (EcoHouse)Select the EcoHouse being evaluated in this survey.Check-In Date Check-In Time : HH MM AM PM Check-Out Date Check-Out Time : HH MM AM PM Number of Full-Time OccupantsOne (1)Two (2)Three (3)Four (4)Five (5)Six (6)Seven (7)Eight (8)OtherA full-time occupant is an individual who has slept in the house each night of the stay. Approximately how many times did you run the clothes washer during your stay?We did not use the clothes washerOne timeTwo timesThree timesMore than three timesRate the overall quality of your clothes washing experience?-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Why didn't you use the clothes washer during your stay?Describe what you liked and/or didn't like about the clothes washing experience. Compare the EcoHouse clothes washing experience with your normal clothes washing experience.Approximately how many times did you run the dishwasher during your stay?We did not use the dishwasherOne timeTwo timesThree timesMore than three timesWhy didn't you use the dishwasher during your stay?Rate the overall quality of your dishwashing experience?-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe what you liked and/or didn't like about the dishwashing experience. Compare the EcoHouse dish washing experience with your normal dishwashing experience.Approximately how many times per day did you use the cooktop?We did not use the cooktopLess than one timeOne timeTwo timesThree timesMore than three timesWhy didn't you use the cooktop during your stay?Rate the overall quality of your experience using the cooktop?-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe what you liked and/or didn't like about your experience using the cooktop. Compare the EcoHouse cooktop experience with your normal cooktop experience.Did you use the refrigerator/freezer?YesNoWhy didn't you use the refrigerator/freezer during your stay?Rate the overall quality of your experience with the refrigerator/freezer?-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe what you liked and/or didn't like about your experience using the refrigerator/freezer. Compare the EcoHouse refrigerator/freezer experience with your normal refrigerator/freezer experience.If you have additional comments about these or other appliances, enter them below. Rate the water quality in terms of clearness, temperature, taste, odor, etc.?-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)If you have any comments about the water quality, enter them below.Rate the water pressure for bathing, washing, cleaning, etc.?Way too lowSlightly lowPerfect!Slightly highWay too highIf you have any comments about the water pressure, enter them below.If you have additional comments about the water systems, enter them below. What actions did you take when you wanted to improve thermal comfort and/or indoor air quality during your stay? Kept the windows closed and set the AC (if available) to the desired temperature Kept the windows closed and operated the heating system Opened windows to increase fresh air supply Opened windows to increase air speed Opened windows to bring in cool outside air Opened windows to bring in warm outside air Turned on ceiling fans (if available) to increase air speed Turned on the evaporative cooling system (if available) Closed the blinds and/or operable shading devices (if available) to reduce direct sunlight Left the EcoHouse and went somewhere cooler Turned on exhaust fans to increase ventilation Turned on the energy recovery ventilator (ERV) to increase ventilation Removed some articles of clothing to stay cool Added some articles of clothes to stay warm Other Describe which of the selected actions were most/least effective, convenient, etc. Explain challenges that you encountered with the selected strategies or with strategies that you wanted to try, but didn't try for some reason.Did the space cooling and ventilation equipment function as expected?We did not use any of the space cooling and ventilation equipmentEverything worked perfectlyThere were some minor problemsThere were significant problemsNothing workedDescribe the problems that you experienced with the space cooling and ventilation equipment.Was the space cooling and ventilation equipment easy to understand and operate?We did not use any of the space cooling or ventilation equipment because we were never uncomfortable.We understood all the features and knew exactly how to operate everything.We understood how to turn all the equipment on and off and use basic features, but we did not understand how to use some of the advanced features.There was some equipment we wanted to use, but we did not know how to operate it.Describe the features that were difficult to understand and explain what could have been done to make them easier to understand.If you have additional comments about the EcoHouse's space heating, cooling, and/or ventilation, enter them below. Rate the THERMAL comfort of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Thermal comfort is a function of temperature, humidity, air movement, hot/cold surfaces, clothing level, and activity level.Describe THERMAL comfort problems below.Rate the VISUAL comfort of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider electric lights, natural lighting, views to outside, lighting controls, glare, color rendering, flickering, buzzing/humming noises, and other factors that contribute to lighting quality and quantity.Describe VISUAL comfort problems below.Rate the ACOUSTIC comfort of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider undesirable sounds from equipment, outside, adjacent spaces, etc.Describe ACOUSTIC comfort problems below.Rate the OLFACTORY comfort of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)"Olfactory" is an adjective meaning "of or relating to the sense of smell." Unpleasant smells (odors) contribute to olfactory discomfort. The absence of permanent odors and the ability of the ventilation system to eliminate temporary odors contribute to olfactory comfort.Describe OLFACTORY comfort problems below.Rate the ERGONOMIC comfort of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider the comfort and ease of operation of furniture, operable devices, movable building components, etc. Also consider the ease with which the occupant(s) can around and enter/exit the space during daytime and nighttime.Describe ERGONOMIC comfort problems below.Rate the adequacy of space in the bedrooms.Way too smallSomewhat too smallJust rightSomewhat too largeWay too largeConsider adequacy of space for occupants, activities, furniture, appliances, electronics, storage, etc.Provide comments about adequacy of space below.Rate the flexibility of the bedroom spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider how well the spaces can accommodate the changing needs of the currents occupants and/or the possible range of needs of future occupants.Describe flexibility problems below.Rate the privacy and security of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe privacy and security problems below.Rate the bedrooms' clothing storage and dressing facilities.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe clothing storage and dressing facility problems below.Rate the aesthetic appeal of the bedrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe aesthetic complaints below.If you have additional comments about the bedrooms, enter them below. Rate the THERMAL comfort of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Thermal comfort is a function of temperature, humidity, air movement, hot/cold surfaces, clothing level, and activity level.Describe THERMAL comfort problems below.Rate the VISUAL comfort of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider electric lights, natural lighting, views to outside, lighting controls, glare, color rendering, flickering, buzzing/humming noises, and other factors that contribute to lighting quality and quantity.Describe VISUAL comfort problems below.Rate the ACOUSTIC comfort of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider undesirable sounds from equipment, outside, adjacent spaces, etc.Describe ACOUSTIC comfort problems below.Rate the OLFACTORY comfort of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)"Olfactory" is an adjective meaning "of or relating to the sense of smell." Unpleasant smells (odors) contribute to olfactory discomfort. The absence of permanent odors and the ability of the ventilation system to eliminate temporary odors contribute to olfactory comfort.Describe OLFACTORY comfort problems below.Rate the ERGONOMIC comfort of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider the comfort and ease of operation of furniture, operable devices, movable building components, etc. Also consider the ease with which the occupant(s) can around and enter/exit the space during daytime and nighttime.Describe ERGONOMIC comfort problems below.Rate the adequacy of space in the bathrooms.Way too smallSomewhat too smallJust rightSomewhat too largeWay too largeConsider adequacy of space for occupants, activities, furniture, appliances, electronics, storage, etc.Provide comments about adequacy of space below.Rate the plumbing fixtures.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider showers, baths, sinks, toilets, sprayers, etc.Describe plumbing fixture problems below.Rate the privacy and security of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe privacy and security problems below.Rate the aesthetic appeal of the bathrooms.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe aesthetic complaints below.If you have additional comments about the bathrooms, enter them below. Rate the THERMAL comfort of the common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Thermal comfort is a function of temperature, humidity, air movement, hot/cold surfaces, clothing level, and activity level.Describe THERMAL comfort problems below.Rate the VISUAL comfort of the common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider electric lights, natural lighting, views to outside, lighting controls, glare, color rendering, flickering, buzzing/humming noises, and other factors that contribute to lighting quality and quantity.Describe VISUAL comfort problems below.Rate the ACOUSTIC comfort of the common living spaces .-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider undesirable sounds from equipment, outside, adjacent spaces, etc.Describe ACOUSTIC comfort problems below.Rate the OLFACTORY comfort of the common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)"Olfactory" is an adjective meaning "of or relating to the sense of smell." Unpleasant smells (odors) contribute to olfactory discomfort. The absence of permanent odors and the ability of the ventilation system to eliminate temporary odors contribute to olfactory comfort.Describe OLFACTORY comfort problems below.Rate the ERGONOMIC comfort of the common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider the comfort and ease of operation of furniture, operable devices, movable building components, etc. Also consider the ease with which the occupant(s) can around and enter/exit the space during daytime and nighttime.Describe ERGONOMIC comfort problems below.Rate the adequacy of space in the common living spaces.Way too smallSomewhat too smallJust rightSomewhat too largeWay too largeConsider adequacy of space for occupants, activities, furniture, appliances, electronics, storage, etc.Provide comments about adequacy of space below.Rate the flexibility of the Common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Consider how well the spaces can accommodate the changing needs of the currents occupants and/or the possible range of needs of future occupants.Describe flexibility problems below.Rate the privacy and security of the common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe privacy and security problems below.Rate the aesthetic appeal of the common living spaces.-3 (Poor)-2-10+1+2+3 (Excellent)Describe aesthetic complaints below.If you have additional comments about the common living spaces, enter them below. 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